From Principal Desk
Milliya Arts, Science & Management Science College was established in 1991, with a vision to spread higher and quality based education amongst the deprived sections of the society.It has been a venture started by the visionary Honourable Ahmed Bin Abood, Secretary Anjumn Ishaat-e-Taleem, purely to disseminate knowledge in this rural area. The physical, instructional and infrastructural facilities today are of good standard. Today the college offers not only the undergraduate courses but also post graduate programs and research courses have been initiated in various departments. We believe that ‘education is the manifestation of perfection already in the man’, and since inception of the college we have rightly progressed towards betterment.Our tremendous intellectual energy is realized through scientific endeavours, and also many remedies to the problems could be reached. The most important thing is to have a sense of direction in which our intellectual energy should be spent. A better understanding of the needs and goals can gives us opportunity to utilize our potentials for the betterment of entire human race. This is the aim of all the scientific research.